Message from the President
Hi Club Golf! We’re looking forward to getting back out on the course this semester and competing for a chance to be invited to the NCCGA National Tournament and Invitational at Pinehurst!
We have Monday and Wednesday practices at 4:30 pm at the UMD golf course driving range. Fall 2024 tournament info for the Capitol Region is available here: Make sure that you are currently enrolled on our Club Golf IMLeagues page in order to participate in club activities this semester!
For more information, please check out our info sheet for this semester here:
About Us

UMD Club SPorts
As a sports club at the University of Maryland, we operate under the watch of the Department of Recreation and Wellness. They provide us with funding, equipment, and tee times at the UMD Golf Course. Executive board members work with RecWell in order to ensure all club operations run smoothly. Their role is extremely important and without them, we would not exist.
NAtional Collegiate Club Golf Association
The NCCGA is the governing body for club golf in the US. We participate in three regional tournaments per semester against the Capitol Region, with the chance to qualify for the National Championship. The Capitol region consists of teams in the DC/MD area including Towson, Georgetown, American, and more.
Club Structure
Our team consists of two main teams - Competitive and Recreational. The Competitive Team practices 2 times per week and competes in tournaments on the A or B Team. The Competitive Team is the perfect way to continue competing in college, without the burden of an NCAA schedule. The Recreational Team is for players who are new to the sport or simply want to practice for fun.
Maryland Golf Course
All practices, tryouts, and qualifiers are held at the UMD Golf Course which is located just off campus across RT-193. As the course is owned and operated by RecWell, Club Golf receives reduced rates to play as well as free range balls for all members. The 18 hole course, driving range, and practice areas are open 7 days a week for us to use.
golf.umd.eduIMLeagues Club Sign-Up
Schedule for our 3 NCCGA tournaments can be found here:
Tryouts are required for all members interested in playing on the competitive team, returning and new. Tryout scores will be used to determine the roster for the competitive team as well as the lineups for Tournament 1. All tryouts will be played at the University of Maryland Golf Course from the Gold tees. For those interested, please check out our GroupMe.
August 31st and September 1st
September 7th-8th (if needed)

How to Contact
Club GroupMe:
Club Email Address: